Two names carved into the forest trees

Skoll was silent while she spoke. It should not have struck him as odd that the oldest member of Inferni had children within the clan. The fact that one of her daughters had mated with Gabriel should not strike him as odd. He hadn't heard of the Holocausts in the same way that he'd heard of the Lykoi's, but he had no doubt they were a fearsome family also, else he doubted they would be so at home within Inferni.

"I'm glad you stopped, Asphyxia. Even if you had good reasons, I'm glad you stopped." It was true. While he expected that the killings she conducted herself may have been hate crimes, murder rather than justified killing, even if she'd had all the reasons in the world for it, he didn't like the thought of her taking lives, even if they were coyote lives. He had loved Layla like a niece, after all, and cared about Tanya and Nikolov, so race had never been a big distinction for him.

"As for Hybrid, I've never come across him. I will do my best to stay my hand should we ever cross paths, though. I would not want to hurt you, even if my duty requires that I engage him or other members of Inferni." He knew that such a thing would likely be the end of this bliss they had found in one another. If, one day, he found that his duty required the death or injury of one of her loved ones, he doubted she would be able to tolerate him any longer. The thought saddened him, though this only appeared briefly across his features.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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