Two names carved into the forest trees

He smiled when she kissed him, and when she laughed at herself, also. He hadn't been so casual with a woman...ever. Even his experiences with Galdra had been less comfortable than what he was feeling know, and those had been his best memories. To think that he was so blessed as to be making such wonderful memories so late in his life.

"Have you spent a lot of time apart from them? I have never had any of my own, but I know first hand that life paths sometimes split up families." It would make sense that separation would contribute to the alienation of mother from children, though it was said that the two were never completely separable. Given that he hadn't seen his mother's face in over six years, he personally doubted what was said, making Asphyxia's situation a little more troubling than the optimists might suggest.

"Maybe they just don't have the wisdom yet to choose as you have? You said that you once walked a path that was more violent than need be. Maybe they just haven't gotten to the point where they can get past that need for blood?" He knew that his own violent tendencies had been curbed to some degree when he'd met Gronnor. He still fought after that meeting, and much more effectively, but he gained control over his bloodrage, over HawkWind's gift, and had so reached a cornerstone in his life. Perhaps her children had yet to reach such a landmark in the course of their own lives.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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