Will tomorrow know?
[html]OoC: Oh, pshaw. Maybe I wanted to see how much you cared about me... X3


Slay let a broad smile shine on his muzzle as he trotted jauntily ahead, knowing that Cercelee would follow close behind. Since it was early, and the land was still so tranquil, perhaps it would be a good time to give fishing a try... Cer liked the water, or the ocean at least, and Slay was fairly adept at landing fish, so they could both share in his catch if all went well. It was worth a shot. She had said something about rabbits, but that was Desaevo's area of expertise. The arctic wolf had a bit of trouble snagging the lagomorphs without a layer of snow to slow them down... and this way, it might keep her guessing.

"I'm hardly an unhealthy skeleton, m'dove. More like slender, handsome beast. Face it, you can't keep your eyes off of me, can you? Don't worry, it happens to the best of us," he drawled over one shoulder, exaggerating his macho swagger as if he were strolling down a catwalk. "And if you excercized a little more, rather than making your lackeys fetch your meals for you, you wouldn't have such a weight problem..." That he could barely say with a straight face - Cer was tiny, and if she had a weight problem, it was that she didn't eat enough. He tried not to snicker, imagining a fat Cercelee. It just didn't suit her.


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