[p] the desert after nightfall

Ithiel is by Raze!

Ithiel looked around more closely upon hearing these items were meant to become weapons, his curiosity piqued. I make arrows and staffs, he offered. Bow-making was something he had not yet learned, though he thought he might try. The dusky-furred coyote nodded; he understood decorative items, though his own were purely symbolic and had intrinsic value -- they were not trinkets of boredom. Still, he understood the need to keep one's hands busy.

Her noise caught his ears and he looked toward her with his head cocked, carnelian eyes uncomprehending for a moment. Ithiel looked back at her for a moment, not understanding what it was she was hesitating about. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and looked away, at one of the piles of wood. He looked back and shrugged uncertainly, the ghost of a frown crossing his muzzle. Whatever needs to be done, he said, still not absolutely certain what the issue was.

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