What's a girl gotta do?
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... c2b4-1.jpg); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Apartment hunting is taking all the strength out of me >< I just wish that I could possibly have a non-ghetto studio apartment somewhere conviently located next to Capitol Hill? wc: 332

It was funny how most people on these lands were connected in one way or another - someone who knows something about someone that was told by someone else. Ironically, most people couldn't put together the pieces unless there was a certain slip of the tongue or a mentioning. Fortunately for Khaden, it was exactly that. His mind focused on the dilemma of rabbits or fish, he was keeping a keen eye out on the terrain, but as soon as Cercelee gave her answer of which she preferred, he was already on the lookout. His nose already working to his advantage, he scouted and formed into the position of being the predator. Even when she continued to talk, he multi-tasked and replied absently. "Yeah, Naniko and Ember are great aren't they? They always seem to have that spirit around them."

He saw it though, the spot in which he should be to catch the perfect meal. He shrugged off her question as it came, excited and happy that he had finally found where he was going to go. "It's good. I like being around Conri, to make sure he's doing okay. Our family has sort of a track record of being a little... off." Movements calculated how Khaden would react and how he would respond to such an event. His posture had already changed, and he tossed his head back to regard the femme afore him. "But I guess all families are like that, huh? Have their little secrets and problems?" And with that he was off, running to the hills and scooping up a youthful hare that seemed to be on his way back to his personal den. On one level, Khaden felt sorry for it, but a wolf has to eat sooner than later, and for Cercelee's case it seemed to be the sooner the better. He punctured the jugular fast and quick, not letting any time for thought before he trotted back to Cercelee and presented the meal to her.

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