Two names carved into the forest trees

I thought we could stop here, or carry it on for another post or two?

He listened to her words, and slow, uncertain acceptance began to leak into his thoughts. That reasoning did not mesh with his usual stance. Responsibility was key in his life, and if she already had a family, wasn't it crucial to ascertain the fate of the father? Nevertheless, he did not want this to end, and if she believed the best course was to forget the man she had been with...he couldn't bring himself to contradict her.

He squeezed her tighter as she spoke her last words. It filled him with happiness to hear her say them, even if a part of him was unsure about this, about accepting a sacrifice of obligation for happiness. Still, this need had gone unanswered for so long, there was nothing that his rigid morals could do to stand in its way right now. She wanted him, even if her old love remained outside. The thought of the two of them doing this in the filled him with hopefulness that he had lost long ago.

"Then let's do our best to ensure that everything goes well," he said, nuzzling her. He wanted Asphyxia in his future, and would do what he needed to in order to ensure that she was. Quietly, a small voice in his mind prayed that his duties would never cross this new path his life was taking. Somehow he knew that should this go against his own responsibilities, he would have no recourse from being torn apart by the internal forces within him. Asphyxia, let's never let the silly politics of this land tear us apart, he thought quietly.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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