What does my brother say.

Some of the tenseness seemed to dissipate once they had introduced themselves to each other, they were not complete strangers now, they did have names. For some reason the thought amused him greatly and the fool of a boy suddenly smiled to cover up the fact he that had almost laughed at a joke he had told himself inside his own head, Lunacy thy name is Lorenzo. He would seem merely friendly instead of the slightly deranged that he considered he might possibly be. Juliet might find that funny, he made a note to tell her later. He nodded his head to her question, his eyes darkening slightly, he and Tony didn't see eye to eye,

"Aye. Mah brother. We don't get on much." There was a twist of dark humor that distorted his smile. He and Tony were both amused by their turbulent relationship, though the brothers hadn't spoken for quite a while or even seen each other since those thieves had tried to steal the horses. Her story was short and to the point, and there was avoidance of any real details which he didn't mind, everyone was welcomed to their own privacy as far as he was concerned, there was a slight awkward silence before Enzo decided to share his story too, although it was just as short really and not very exciting,

"Ah joined waay back when Casa started. 'Bout a month afta. Lived wi' mah mather in Crimson Dreams afore that, afore Jazper left to make this 'ere pack." One of the birds screeched and his ear flicked in annoyance at the grating sound. She shooed them off though with a language he had never heard before and then suddenly they were alone. Another awkward silence before Neela broke it again with another curious question.

"Practicing. He held up his flute, "Ah practice in tha' morning afore I 'ave tah work. All tha' way out 'ere so i don't wake no folk up." He shrugged as though it were no big deal.

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