Look, they are already trying to tear us apart.
haha done. (=

You are the weapon I choose.

As Asphyxia slowly started to realize what was going on, as soon as Skoll arrived panic started to override, "Skoll!" she said as soon as he arrived, thankful that someone was going to save her, after all he did promise to always protect her. If Skoll got hurt because of her, she didn't know what she would do. First case though, the man must have obviously known Skoll or something so it did make sense why he'd go to someone close to her lover to lure him out. However, she did no good inside the church with boards all over the windows, chains on every door. Asphyxia kept looking at the wolves as Skoll started to approach him, obviously not seeing the dagger that was being pulled from his pocket, "Skoll look out! He's got a knife!" she realized she was screaming. If anything happened to Skoll, the seven foot monster would never see daylight again.


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