[M] Does he notice?


Words – 300+

His resolve was strengthened by getting a bit of distance between him and the attractive woman. Strengthened but not undefeatable. It would only take a little more persuasion before the burning attraction in his belly won out over his metal guards. And he was still confused about what he wanted. A good majority of the male’s intimacy-starved body now battered him with feelings of loss and missed out opportunity. The other part had already shown itself in his movements and was backed by his intellectual mind. He liked Thana, he really did, but was he prepared to let her so close?

The man proceeded to sit down next to his small and finely crafted fire when Thana accepted his invitation. She quickly apologized for her actions and took a seat across from him. He wasn’t angry. If anything, he was excited by her presence. The smell that she carried still beckoned from her over the short burning fire between them. He let her words float in the air and a silence filled with only the cracking of burning limbs settled between them. Jaden reached into his overstuffed bag of belongings and had to rummage around for a moment before drawing out a worn whetstone. He then proceeded to take the blade he had from its sheath and sharpen it. It wasn’t to ignore her and the blade was finely sharpened already, but it allowed him something comforting and repetitive to do instead of admire Thana’s body with hungry eyes. Don’t worry. I called you beautiful once before, he said warmly, the hum of steal and stone softly ringing every handful of seconds, and, even though you have some scars, I meant it. Beauty is much more than that. I’m just not used to having attractive women come so close…He stopped talking before he began to sound regretful. He had pushed her away and he didn’t want to confuse her with his inner, hormone driven confliction. Before speaking again, he looked up and gave her an encouraging smile, Were you wandering about out here just to find me?

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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