[M] Does he notice?

OOC here!

Someone had attacked Jaden? For some reason, that infuriated Thana. Who did it? Is that where you got your injuries? There was a bit of a growl in her voice when she spoke and she took a few deep breaths to calm herself. She could deal with it later.

Jaden stopped “sharpening” his blade when Thana paused before answering his question. She did try to find him even though she was in heat, it wasn’t to get a little something from him though, she just wanted to see him again. If anything did happen, it would just be a bonus. Jaden stood and moved to sit next to her as he spoke. A smirk appeared on her face and she leaned closer to whisper in his ear. You underestimate me. Thana sat back up as she continued. I could handle myself just fine against you. If it weren’t for the smell, you wouldn’t even know I was coming. But, I’ll admit, I did come looking for you. It’s not for the reason you probably think though, I would have come even if I wasn’t in heat. I was just hoping to see you again. She wasn’t going to act all seductive like she had been with the other male she ran into. If Jaden wanted her he could take action himself, she wasn’t going to do anything to make him do anything he could possibly regret later.

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