[M] Does he notice?


Words – 400+

The concern in her voice when she asked whom had attacked him was sweet, even though the question seemed to get lost in the moment. And, as he sat next to her, she did tease him a bit. She could handle him? That remained to be seen, but would probably have to wait for another day. He was in no shape to take the challenge and fighting wasn’t what he had in mind. But her last bit of speech pushed through his lust and interest in her body to touch on his actual feelings for the woman. He really did like her and she seemed to really like him. If her words were true, and he had no reason to doubt her, then it only showed how much she enjoyed his company. It warmed his heart a little and made him hesitate before he could come up with a good answer.

His devious grin had warmed into a charming smile during those few moments but darkened back into a smirk similar to the one she had given him. You think you could handle me? He flirted again with the raise of a brow, We just might have to see about that. His previous inhibitions were all but gone as he shifted ever so slightly to give himself some leverage. Whatever reason he had found to extricate himself from her grip before was far from his mind now. When she seemed to care so much already, what was wrong with letting her a bit closer? His eyes met hers and showed their malicious intent before he sprang. The lung was more playful and slow than an actual attack would have been. He lead it with a soft grip too and not enough power to hurt the woman if she fell back on the forest floor beneath them. He had given her a gentle warning growl and that should have been enough. He wanted and expected her to take his challenge. How far she took it was up to her. He knew he would probably lose an actual fight against her because of his injuries, but this wasn’t an actual fight. It was a chance for her to feel the strength and desire he had and for her to show the same. If she didn’t fight back and simply fell beneath him, he might not mind either. He would just lay on her and sport that devious grin he had worn before until she responded to his advance in some way.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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