[M] Does he notice?


Words – 300+

The impact with her soft body was a little painful for him and there was no way to avoid it. When every breath brought a little discomfort, there was no way in hell he was going to get out of this without a bit of pain. They came to rest on ground and she didn’t fight him. He had been sort of hoping she might but he settled for his grin instead. She didn’t leave him grinning for long. He felt her shift under him and he gave into the movement, not fighting her wish to change their places. The roll onto his back sent little threads of pain along his chest again but the only indication of this was a slight narrowing of his eyes that he hid when he accompanied it with a soft growl of approval.

He turned his head a little when she came down to nip at his neck. The feeling of her teeth on him sent a chill down his spine. The scent was so strong now that it filled every inch of his mind. The warmth of her on top of him was intoxicating. Her hands pushed away the dark flaps of fabric that hung around his body and he felt them on his chest. He pulled up and nipped at the top of her breast, then at her neck too. The discomfort from the strain of his abdomen had him back down shortly after, despite his want to taste her. His hands had found their way to just above her hips. They swept up the front of her fit body slowly and then back down. By the time he got them back into position, he could feel one of her claws scratching lightly through his fur and falling lower. She paused but he knew her intent. He pushed his hips up into her to encourage her handling of him and prodded the sexy black body on top of him sensually.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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