[m] [p] the screaming in the calle


Eris is by Kiri, a gift from Sylvey!

The scent of blood, fresh and hot and streaming onto the ground from a dozen small wounds over the coydog's body, was what finally brought the dark-furred hybrid back into reality and dredged her out of red-hot anger, not the weight of Salvia over her, not the pain of her hair being yanked and twisted. Molcaxitl's cries had become less, and now she shrank back and away from the pair of canines, dragging herself along the ground with her hands rather than walk. Eris sneered toward the coydog, panting her breath out as wild chartreuse eyes stared toward Salvia. She began to comprehend the situation more fully, and horror slowly dawned -- not, of course, at the writhing slave, mangled and bleeding, but at what her daughter had done -- was doing.

Eris suddenly became aware of a terrible pain in her head and on her back, the pressure of her daughter -- larger than Eris herself, large and muscular like Larkspur -- leaning over her. She realized, quite suddenly -- and such a strange realization it was -- that she was thrashing, flailing arms and legs wildly toward her own flesh and blood, seeking to tear and rend and hurt and whatever else could be done. She stopped struggling abruptly, but a shiver ran through her all the same, and she bared her teeth toward the green-eyed monster, all of them, as many teeth as her face could show.

Get off of me, the coyote growled, thrashing against the hold in a more concerted effort. The pain of her hair soon stopped this, however, and she could only bare her teeth at Salvia some more. Let go of me!

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