Look, they are already trying to tear us apart.

"I have no idea," he answered honestly, following her gaze over to the corpse in the high grass. "I've never met him or smelled him before, though he fights like a few wolves I've met in the past. Better, though, even than the man who I thought was the master of the style." That bit was strange. Gabred had been very skillful. The fact that this wolf was better than him, and younger, didn't agree with Skoll's sensibilities.

Identifying why this fighter was better wasn't difficult. He wasn't more skilled than Gabred had been at the strikes Skoll was familiar with, but his movements were more fluid, he transitioned better than the other striking-style fighters faced. His moves were more varied, as well, and he used combinations Skoll hadn't seen prior to this meeting. The strength of Gronnor's martial style hadn't failed the old wolf, when he had been outclassed he had switched tactics and had been successful by shifting the focus to ground-fighting. Nevertheless, someone like that, after Asphyxia and himself for an unknown reason...it was a grim prospect.

"Let's get out of here. I don't know what he wanted, but he's gone now. I suspect he was alone, given the strategy he employed...whoever he was with would have been here to help him otherwise, that or he would have called out someone's name when he started losing. Still, I need a drink." He wasn't losing that much blood, but he was still tired and thirsty, and Asphyxia looked like she could use refreshment as well.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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