Home Again

Words - 300+

He had never seen her like this. It scared the man to see his friend so… detached. He spent a few moments talking with the pups while the woman he knew remained absent from her body that stood so close. The young pair was as polite as pups could be expected to be and Jaden found himself smiling at some of the questions little booth asked him. They seemed to have been raised well and that was no doubt X’yrins doing.

More than a few moments passed before the woman’s blank expression turned to acknowledge him and the pups again. Without warning, she barked a command at young Boothe and turned away. The Alaskan watched her walk away for a moment. She hadn’t spoken to him, hadn’t even looked at him. What had he done to deserve such a thing? What tormented her so much that she would disregard him? Or maybe she wanted him to follow. She wanted him to ask his question away from the ears of the little ones. It was more likely this then her ignoring him.

Sophie and Boothe protested her passage with little whines of distress. She had only just found them again. Jaden used his teeth and claws to tear off a monstrous chunk of flesh from the cat. The coppery taste of its blood reminded him of the battle he had gone through with the feline. But he didn’t pause to think on it. He dropped it for the pups. You two will be alright here…? He questioned the two but got no answer. They dove into the meat with hungry little mouths and he felt they would be occupied with it long enough for him to check on his friend.

By the time he had finished his friend had disappeared into the forest. He quickly jogged after her until she came back into view. X’yrin! he called for her attention, hoping she would stop for him. X’yrin! When they neared he slowed his pace with an easy distance between them in case she didn’t want to see or talk to him now. Will you talk to me?

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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