i can be brown; i can be blue; i can be violet sky
But it is worth quoting! *rambles aimlessly*
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t2.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The world was a beautiful place even beneath all of its death and decay. Life pulsed and thrived all around them whether or not they realised it, the ground beneath their feet was littered with the bones of things long gone, things that had returned to the very place that they had sprang forth from. All of it could be gone in a blink of an eye, an ill-placed step along the road, even the downfalls of evolution or religion, which ever one found itself applicable to the moment. It was far too easy to get tired of life, far too easy to take it for granted; maybe that was why he had gone through life just existing and taking it one step at a time. He had long stopped thinking about what it was that he was doing and avoided routine.

“A curse,” he said with just an edge of doubt. “I've heard a great deal about those before. Some say we'll see the end of the world soon, whether it's in a great fire or freeze. I just think it's the way things go, curses are probably just excuses for things others just don't want to accept. What kind of curse did they say about you?” Better yet, what were the things that they had said about him? He had even forgotten the things that he had heard from the lips of those who he was flesh and blood of and for the same reason, had forgotten where he had come from. It took time, it took a lot of time, but there had been things to help ease that wait. In a broad spectrum, they really were all the same, but in sporadic doses he found that they were all very interesting and different in their own way.


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