[M] there's a fire starting in my heart

WC (+3) SO. GHEY.

The energy burned bright within him, a collapsing star, frenzied in its descent into mindlessness and black death. The path opened before him, and it was rent and torn, bleeding ruin and chaos. He followed it with a maddened glee, unable to refrain, unable to alter the course of this war-beat within his serpentine heart.

For a moment, two gazes would hold eachother; One of blistering gold, hard and molten like the core of the sun, like a fire that would either burn the world clean or burn it to ash; The other, a volatile concoction of acid and venom, spitting and sparking and sizzling through flesh and bone. They were made of the same dark earth, crafted with the same cruel anvil and forge, plucked from the fire and left to glow white-hot in the darkness, two mad creatures ready to burst alight.

The other fell beneath his weight, and the claws on the monster's giant forepaws bit into his golden chest, puncturing skin with the weight behind it. Jaws unhinged like some carnal trap, blood stringing between yellow fangs, ruby spittle spraying at the upturned face of the fallen man. But no further blow could be struck by such cruel jaws, for a hard pain was spiking in his concave stomach, and Sirius was thrown back by muscular legs. He twisted in the air, for a moment beautiful, for a moment graceful; Like a panther, he twisted, limbs seeking purchase on the ground before the body found it. The connection send sparks of pain up his already-ravaged forelegs, now oozing with blood.

He was aware of the movement of the other, simply unable to deflect it; The warmth of Zeke's body folded over him, hard muscles crushed against his spine, and the monster snarled in fury as steel-corded arms snared his body, sharp teeth grasping at that primal area at the base of his throat. Strange warmth flared through his burning veins; Not the fury, but a feeling so similar that it could not be otherwise identified from the murderous passion that had enslaved them both. His body reacted instantly, tail ducking between hind legs to protect the valuable assets there, head twisting wildly as oddly-flexible spine did likewise, writhing beneath the creature that sought to conquer him. Fangs found purchase on a limb grasping his ribcage, crushed down on it; His whole body was thrown into the movement as the male swung his giant head, ripping Zeke from his back and feeling the lancing pain as the man's teeth and other claws took flesh with them.

They were flung apart, but this time Siri was quick to face his foe, skeletal ribcage heaving, beastly jaws open in a bloodied snarl.

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