Don't be a Chicken
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OOC goes here for all your OOC needs

A bit of cloth and rope was grabbed before Dixie came scurrying back out. Hadley stepped to the side, quickly reaching out to brace her as she stumbled. Blood hit his nose, a small whine slipping out. Moving around he looked at the small cut. It didn't look like much, but it could get infected. Infection was the same as death for Hadley. The instant he didn't have a use he would be killed. Perhaps not anymore, but that deadly fear of being laid down with infection was still there. He couldn't let his superior face such a painful thing.

He glanced at the building. Yes, that was true. They still needed to take it apart. Dixie tugged away on it, pulling it farther open. Hadley didn't move onto it right away, actually tearing off a piece of the canvas that they'd freed. Stepping over to a river that washed into it Hadley dipped it in and washed it clean. Looking around he found the plant that he'd needed, making a quick mixture for her shoulder. Stepping over he held out the makeshift bandage, hoping that she wouldn't mind.

The nails he'd picked up were dropped into the basket. Stepping over Hadley moved, pulling off boards carefully. It was difficult to do so without burying the goods inside there. There was a good chance it would happen anyways, leaving them to dig through a deep pile of rubble. At least there was good wood they could use there, Hadley taking it and gently stacking the pieces as he pulled them off.


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