deep in the town of Chewandswallow

hah, she all like Oh no you didnt son!

Another night and she had once again run from home. Though it was not like anyone was tucking her into bed or checking up on her, she still did feel a certain rush leaving the boarder after dark. It was as if she defied the rules she had placed upon herself, and also put her within a paws reach of all the dangers she feared.

But what harm could come to her on such a peaceful night, with all the birds deep in sleep and the sun in bed. She had left her den and the territories boarders on four paws, traveling light and swift off to the north again in search of nothing in particular. A soon as she hit the forest she slowed, taking in the smells of new trees until her hands wanted to touch their skin.

She couldn’t help it; her connection to nature was rooted in her blood, as it was her fathers, and his father before him. She could name all the towers she passed, and most of the undergrowth as well. It was a piece of her that had never fallen away even after the years for travel and wandering had stripped her of most of her identity.

Black nose to the wind he came to her on the night’s breeze, tickling her nostrils and making her ears twitch to hear him. Curious as always she stalked and followed quietly until he was in view. But his actions confused and then stung her. He pounded against the ageless tree, holding no apparent rage or anger. Obviously the maple had done nothing to him, for trees rarely posses the energy, so why beat it?

Blue eyes watched still until he returned to the small structure Anu never noticed was there. Anger was an emotion that she hardly felt, but she was sure it was what boiled in her gut. Speechless till now she composed her small frame and walked into the open and looked him in the eye.

“What did it ever do to you?” she asked sternly, already sure of the truth but wondering what he would make of the question. Her size was far less then formidable, but her fury, though not fully unleashed, was not something to be underestimated


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