And every time it rains, are the angels crying?
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tounge action, hahaha xD And this thread is weird. XD

He wondered how big she was, if she was bigger than him or not. He was facing away from the light, so he could only see his own shadow, heavy and looming on the wall in front of him. What if she was some strange creature, like a bear or a skunk or something? His father had warned him against such creatures...not to go near them. Sirius didn't really have a vendetta against wolves, or anything, because he was half wolf himself, but that would come with time.

He was completely surprised by the tongue action, pulling back with disgust as she came near him. "That's so gross! Why would you even do that? How do you like me doing it, huh?" He didn't care what kind of animal she was--she'd licked him, and now she was going to get it right back from him. He went at her legs with his tongue, shaking his head back and forth.


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