Show me your ways.. and I'll show you mine

It took him a moment to figure out what he had done wrong. He had been speaking softly but for some reason he didn’t think that was it. A puzzled look crossed his face, reflecting the one on his companions face. He looked over to Tharin and suddenly realized what he had done. “Forgive me. I didn’t realize..” He shook his head, still in awe of the beauty this territory held. First the sunrise meadow and now this. Even the storyteller was lost for words amidst this untouched land.

He took a hesitant step forward, trying not to shatter the vision that lay before him. The many miles he had travelled had led him straight to this place. He would be back to see this place again but even though he felt like he could stay here forever the other packs in the area might be even better. It was hard to imagine a place more stunning than this but before today he never would have imagined a place like this existed. Who knew what wonders lay even further into Nova Scotia?

Slowly he turned to look over his shoulder at Tharin, his golden eyes finding the male’s own brown ones briefly before flicking away. “What is it like to live here all the time? I can hardly believe this place exists and you can come here whenever you want.” He turned away and looked back at the lake, watching the mist as it slowly lifted away. “It takes my breath away.” His thoughts wandered to the human towns and roads that cut through the land. They would destroy a place like this. How had he never seen that before? Was it worth living in their shadow if it meant devastating the beauty of the earth? He went quiet as he took in his revelation, staring out toward the lake with a blank look on his face.

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