[M] Does he notice?


Words – 300+

It was easy to get lost in this moment. Her body on his, her movements exciting him in ways he hadn’t felt for so long. The fire still cracked excitedly in the background too as if completely unaware of the intimate scene unfolding only a foot away. It warmed the two wolves’ feet and cast long shadows over their dark, intermingled bodies. Her kiss was sweet, passionate, and breathed even more life into the man’s desire for her. He mingled his tongue with hers and returned it with just as well. He felt her touch him then. Even though they were so close and had felt so much of each other’s warm bodies already this was new. The area she handled had so much sensitivity. Jaden had nearly forgotten the pleasure and it invaded into his mind with a vengeance. He stopped his hips and their pushing rhythm and just enjoyed it for a second. She kissed down his neck and made his back tingle which only added to the ecstasy. But with this forgotten pleasure remembered came a sense of intimate memory.

The times he had done this before and the wolfess whom had accompanied those memories dripped into his lust-filled mind like little drops rain on their hot campfire. There had been an unconscious decision made before he engaged Thana. He couldn’t allow someone so close without the proper amount of love and trust. She had now been given that. If she did end using him he would sorely feel the pain of such an unexpected attack. He felt something for her before but now they were undeniable feelings of a deep connection. And with that came worry for her. All of this made it easier for him to compare her to his lost love. It all slowly began to wear away at the spell they were under.

But he was still lost in the moment. As long as she kept distracting him so skillfully there was little room in his head for other thoughts. He glanced down at her paw and where it played. For the first time, he noticed that she had socks that were a little lighter than the rest of her coat. It was an attractive addition to her that he analyzed absentmindedly while she continued to pleasure him.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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