Don't be a Chicken

so cute xD

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The large male seemed hesitant to take a break, his eyes almost nervous as he glanced back at the few remaining supplies in the wagon. Smiling sadly, Dixie shook her head and handed over the water and food, having already stuffed a chunk of meat into her own mouth. After all of the time she’d spent on horseback, eating while moving was no big deal. Winking at him, the little one hopped up into the back of the wagon and began dropping things onto the ground, quickly clearing out the entire thing and leaving it looking as good as new.

Nu uh, mister. You are a lot bigger than little ol’ me, meanin’ you need more food. I ain’t about ta let you starve! Her small hands reached out and took one of his gently, pushing more meat against his palm. After giving him a playfully stern look, she turned and began sorting things as he had done before. The piles were perfect, everything organized in a way that would make building easier when they got to that point.

There were tools over by the barn, so she ran over and grabbed a hammer and a small saw. If one of them held the wood in place, the other would be able to get things attached and put together fast. This thing would be done in no time!

Image courtesy of PNNL@Flickr; table code by the Mentors!

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