Bad moon risin’

Laruku didn't really think he handled anything himself. Instead, he filed all of the problems neatly into cabinets in his head and pretended that they weren't really there until everything exploded in his face, but even then -- when had he ever really handled anything? He had denied things; he had run; he had fought tooth and nail; he had tried to destroy the causes and everything else, but in the end, he never actually got around to dealing with anything. Either they faded away in the real world enough that it didn't matter anymore or he just came to accept that there was no fighting it anymore. Everything remained in the drawers though, never really disappearing from the weight crushing down on his weary shoulders.

I did start a war with Inferni, he offered quietly. He'd gotten two members killed and Iskata -- well, Phoenix already knew that story, didn't he? Once again, he could have laughed; it was absolutely hilarious in so many ways. Clouded Tears's relationship with the coyotes had hit every possible rung on the ladder and then some. Sure, they had been at war, they had tried to kill each other. And then Segodi had upped and left and the psychotic demon in his head had decided that it would be a great idea to sleep with Kaena Lykoi and have a litter of poor children that would most likely grow up just as fucked up as their parents. And then they were almost back where they had started because Laruku's relationship with Gabriel was possibly even more volatile than the one with Segodi. But because he was masochistic and selfish, the hybrid almost didn't want the silence and calm between them to last.

Gabriel's hard to get along with, isn't he?

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