Tides that I tried to swim against

They had known each other for what felt like forever...since he'd been so small. She'd been smaller then, too, but still bigger than him. Naniko had tried to be a good older sister to him, to give him all the things that she had missed out on in her own puppyhood...but she'd failed him eventually, just like she had and would fail everyone else. Going out exploring with Kansas had been great, something she had wished that she'd gotten to do more when she was little, instead of caring for Davinci. She had been glad to raise the hybrid, had fussed over and worried about him, but eventually Davinci had left, like they all did. Everyone failed everyone else.

She didn't like the way things were between her, Lucifer, and Kansas. She wanted to fix it all...but it wasn't something that could happen overnight. When he came into her view her eyes opened a little more. There weren't a lot of white wolves around, more black ones than anything else, so he was set apart from the others. "My back hurts. They're starting to grow...they weigh more now. I just need some more muscle." The places where she had been hit still hurt, but it was more of a dull ache than anything else. There wasn't anything broken, just bruised. It was easiest to blame it on the pups, though. He would understand pups growing. But she wasn't sure if even -she- understood what had happened between she and Conri that day.

"How have you been, little brother? I...I'm so sorry. About everything."


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