Don't be a Chicken
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OOC goes here for all your OOC needs

She was so quick! The items left in the wagon were cleared out in no time, leaving everything to be sorted so they could get to work. He swallowed down the few pieces he had, ready to work on sorting it out and keep working, despite the growling stomach. The mock scolding slowed Hadley down, looking for guidance. Surprise filtered through at the words, bashfully accepting the meat that was given to him. Head ducked low he ate what he was given, grateful that he could have more.

With the meal finished off he stepped over to where the wooden wall sections were. Hefting one up so it was standing Hadley examined it. The edges were jagged, there was a fair portion to trim off. He set the pieces around, checking the relative sizes to avoid the walls not matching each other. With his claws he scratched a thin mark for where they would have to cut it before picking it up, holding it still so that Dixie could go to work trimming it down.


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