Join me in death
Laruku's words made Jasper pause a moment, lost in silent thought. It made sense, at the very least. Still though, it didn't make him believe any less that sometimes people were nice to him because they felt they had to be. He was indeed a bit more fragile than most of his siblings, or anyone else that he had met before for that matter, but it didn't mean that he needed to be patronized, even if they didn't intend for it to be like that. "I don't want them all eating nasty food just because they're to nice to tell me it's bad." He frowned some, hoping that the older male would understand. If anyone would be brutally honest with him, it would be his father.

"It does kind of suck though." He nodded at this, recalling the fact that he could no longer smell the stew as it cooked or the fact that it was dangerous for him to be out by himself sometimes. "Laurent doesn't like me to go out alone since I can't smell when someone is around." Why that would be dangerous, he supposed the other wouldn't understand, unless his father happened to mention a few of the things that had happened to him lately. "At least we're all alive though." Which might be somewhat odd coming from him, at the very least. "Even if dad looks creepy with his eye now." He shuddered some at the thought, though the feeling was replaced with something else entirely. A very thin smile grew on his face at the older male's words, shrugging his shoulders in a suddenly embarrassed manner. He was certain Laruku didn't understand just what the compliment meant to him. "Thanks.."


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