Call me Baby..when you're old enough..
She scowled as he mentioned the aching knuckles. As friendly as this guy was, she was still in a bit of a tantrum over the fact that she'd even gotten hurt in the first place. She should have done so much better. She was a Broderskab after all, and even more than that a Vilhelmsen and member of Casa. How could she have made such a mistake, getting hurt like that? Adelle had been doing well as well, her strikes landing with great power against the wood. It had only taken an instant for all of that to be discarded to the side for a single injury.

No. Metal acted bad. She wasn't being childish, she just didn't speak english well. Danish was her native tongue. The actual excuse flowed more along the lines of how she hadn't hurt herself, the metal had simply struck wrong and ended up surprising her, but she didn't have the words to say that in english. Soon enough she would. Her vocabulary was growing after all, and she could say much more than she had before. Silently she watched the polish of the metal, noting the gleam. Her own gloves didn't have that, as she didn't know how to polish. Picking them up she examined them. Need polish.

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