something new and exciting
Adelle's ears perked up at the cry. Someone new! It was a member that Adelle hadn't met yet, but definitely a member. Adelle ran her hand over Grandpa's battle axe once more, her imagination sparking with the battles it must have gone through before spinning around and sprinting towards the source of the sound. Long hardened muscles carried her over the distance swiftly, a white wolf soon appearing in sight. Adelle let out a bark of excitement, tail wagging behind her as she moved towards him. All kinds of questions filled her mind, wondering where he had come from, and what kind of warrior he was.

The warrior ceremony Adelle had recently gone through still echoed in her mind. The need to act with honor, courage, to defend the pack and protect the weak, still rang in her mind. Coming to a halt before him Adelle courteously bowed down, working on being polite. The silly grin on her face when she stood tall again gave the foolish pup away, tail beating behind her. Hi! I'm Adelle. There was so much more she wanted to say but couldn't, english failing her. If only she spoke it better, the language coming to her but far too slow for the pup's taste.

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