the horse and her boy

Alder listened as the young male spoke, nodding as he explained how they spent their time. He understood how the golden boy felt that they should understand and know one another, but to the Marshal those were not the way to grow close to one's horse. The we're many other things that a rider needed to factor in when treating to their horse.  


He was grateful for the mare's small movements forward, though there was no great lunge towards the ring he was going to guide her towards. So she came from another pack? Alder thought. There were many places a horse could come from, and it seemed that they had not done too much in the ways of training the mare. But Alder was happy to help, and very happy for the male who now had his own steed.

Easy now. he spoke softly to the mare, whispering in her ear. A simple word in low speech would certainly get her moving, but that was unfair for the boy. He needed to learn. They were very generous. She is of beautiful stock. Alder gave the other male a smile. Come, stand here beside her. She can see you much better at her side then she can standing in front. Alder moved away so that Skoll could step in his place. Give her a tab on the rump, and ask her to -Walk-. Give her a few clicks of the tongue too. Alder omitted the clicking sound of encouragement that was given to the horses by most. 


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