
WC: 592 OOC: I think I missed playing Niro lol!

When it came to the area, Niro felt he could trust most, and Xy’rin had sounded sincere when she asked to see his wound. He was no good at the whole healing thing, and he knew his mate would take care of it in the end, he just didn’t want to offend te woman before him. He could tell she was in a way old fashioned, especially in protecting her meal. He listened to her name as he closed his eyes shut as she licked the wound clean.

“The far north huh? What brings you down south? Just a need for a little bit of the warmer climate?”

He asked. He had lived his first six months in climate far warmer than this but he had been in these lands for a year and a half now. He loved the cool temperatures that he had been made for. He could understand why some wanted to be warmer, he had just spent his winter near Alaska keeping two pups from freezing to death before heading home. He nodded at her acceptance of his request and smiled.

I left my tools in the brush, give me a second ok?”

He called Marahute down from her perch in which she had sat waiting for him to call to her. She had sat there since he had called her off the hunt. Niro spoke to her in a soft bird call that she could understand. He could somewhat speak her language, but only the rudimentary stuff, just enough for her to know what he was saying, even though he knew she could understand high speech perfectly well she responded better with her own. The golden eagle took flight and he turned to the woman who had offered him some of the meat.

“No I couldn’t. It’s not my kill to take. I do have family waiting for me, but they are not starving I can take down a few animals. Marahute’s pretty good at helping me if you couldn’t tell.

He said pointing his muzzle in the direction the bird went. It would take her a few minutes to get his belt he had hid in a bush not too far away. He normally wore it except when he was hunting, but he always kept it near him so that he could work on things immidiately. So while he would wait for that he figured she would need something to pull the elk with, he didn’t have a doubt she could pull the big animal on all fours, but it would be easier for something to pull and use less energy. He made for a few trees, turning to his optime form. He was self conscience when it came to changing. He only freely changed in front of his mate and his sister and sometimes his children. There was no reason why, it just felt like it was a private thing to him.

“Perhaps you can help me find some sticks strong, sturdy. I can make a makeshift pulling thing for you so you can get the whole thing home.”

He said his voice raised as he moved around checking for what he wanted. He had plenty of rope and his knife, but they were all with his belt so it would all have to wait, but he needed the natural materials first. If he couldn’t find anything on the ground he would cut something from a tree itself.

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Table by Meghann!


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