Don't be a Chicken
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OOC goes here for all your OOC needs

Hadley frowned at the words. He hadn't thought about that. The hybrid was unsure what they could do to lift it off the ground. Hadley hadn't thought much about this at all, simply going along and expecting it to act similar to a house. The smile Dixie gave with a solution set his tail wagging. There would be no problem then. They'd build the frame, place it on these 'stumps', and nail it down. The house would be complete.

He stiffened slightly at her touch, loosening up again as orders were given so they could complete the work. Lifting the wood Hadley made sure that the walls were placed properly. He held it perfectly still, letting Dixie work at fastening it together. With that part completed Hadley picked up the third, carefully balancing it with the other two. This was more tricky for Hadley to manage, keeping it all balanced for Dixie to work on hammering together. He managed though, and the first part of the coop was complete.


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