Don't be a Chicken
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OOC goes here for all your OOC needs

Hearing Dixie pant after the work Hadley was hit by a pang of guilt. He should have been the one hammering the pieces together. He was stronger than her after all. Sure, holding the pieces wasn't exactly easy, but it didn't take nearly as much strength to do that. His ears pricked slightly as Dixie spoke. Was she mad that he hadn't done as well as he should have? No, she just wanted him to go get something. He nodded his head, glancing to see if she was really okay. There was nothing wrong with the way she was in Hadley's opinion. She was still very fierce. Could probably take him down without much effort.

Hadley moved over to where the shops were. He looked through the debris carefully, picking out the wooden pieces they would need. The weight wasn't the problem in this situation. Actually carrying them was. Compromising Hadley picked up two fairly large ones and trotted over to where Dixie was, dropping them down. Turning he ran back to get another two. That was actually the most difficult part that he'd done, arms aching when he returned from the run. He looked at the half wall Dixie had built apprehensively. She was not someone he wanted to anger. Picking up his carving knife Hadley worked on smoothing the tops.


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