Approaching The Border
Malakai's howl echoed along the land, bouncing off heavy tree trunks and rocks, and pricking his keen ears, listened eagerly for any reply, but none were sent in answer. Perhaps he hadn't been heard. Immediatly, his chest bulked out a little and he snorted heavily at his own thoughts. Nonsense. He was Malakai, his call was the strongest amongst his Pack, it had always been that way. As the obvious disappointment flickered behind his feral gaze, remembering that he had no pack any longer, his head bowed a little. Licking at his powerful muzzle, his head turned to the animal he had dragged here, the large stag, and then to the painful wound upon his back flank. Twisting a little to lap at it somewhat, trying to give it the best chance of healing he could, eventually, he could wait no longer. The carcass had to be enjoyed while it still held it's warmth.

Moving with a heavy limp, a soft growl escaping every now and again as he put a little more weight onto his leg than he had intended, he approached the stag, and with a huff, lay down against it, his vice-like jaws snapping around it's throat as he had done in the first place to bring it down, and immediatly began chewing on the flesh there, gulping down large chunks of meat, tearing it apart with quick flicks of his jaws. Blood stained the black fur of his muzzle, not only the stags but his own, too, from his wound. Eventually, he became lost in the bloodlust, in the energy that filled him as he ate. Savouring every mouthful, he continued to feed, until one ear pricked with the sound of movement. A horse, it's hooves' rhythmic thumping against the ground clear as a bell. Growing louder, heading closer.

Malakai lifted himself from his meal, his tongue lolling as he lapped at his own face, to at least make himself look presentable, before his gaze locked on to the rider and his steed. Optime, he thought. Another snort escaped from him as he sat in a position he found as comfortable as possible, his wounded flank clearly visiable. From birth, Malakai had always preferred life in his Secui form and rarely did he shift into his Optime one, finding life easier to handle in forms more in keeping with that of his ancestors. He preferred the bulk, speed and power he had at his disposal in his Secui form and so maintained it as much as he was able to. As the other approached, declaring he was upon the borders of the Anathema Pack, Kai offered something of a nod, before jerking his head to indicate his wounded flank. "This stag I brought down, it's antlers caught me... Tore me up a little." It was clear Kai wasn't used to asking for help, and hated having to do so now, but needs must. "I know I am near your pack lands, and was wondering if... If maybe you had anything to help my wound heal? Bandages, medicine, magic, he didn't much care about the method, only the end result. The quicker the wound healed, the quicker he would feel less vulnerable. "With this on my side, I can't hunt, I can barely walk, I'd be dead within a week." His head jerked back towards the half-devoured stag. "If you are able to help, you are more than welcome to the rest of this animal." He spat the last word as if it tasted of venom - after all, it was this animal that had done this to him.

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