Approaching The Border
Word Count :: 469 If ya wish for him to stay as a member, just let Alaki know and we can go through with the joining ritual ^^

Forms meant little to the Angelo, for they were all an extension of himself; although optime allowed for riding and weaponry use of which he favoured and so he spent most of his time within the bi-pedal form, although he wasn't opposed to using his others or those who stuck to one of their given two legged forms. With his piece said he allowed time for the black male to say his piece and state his business, blue eyes flicking from the male's bloody leg when indicated over to the dead stag with little to no interest; this male wasn't of his pack, wasn't off his family and until the strangers stance changed he was of little importance to the Angelo. Whilst not one of his charges to look after, the scarred samurai wouldn't reject another’s plea for help, so long as it was reasonable and wouldn't cause him too much hassle. Turning his head he pinpointed the albino crow, raising his free hand he gesture for the bird to come closer, watching as the white pest obeyed and made it's way over to circle low above him, “Find Alex and bring him” he instructed the bird, before turning his attention back upon the black male.

Watching the bird disappear from sight he turned back to the black male, “I'm Alaki, Angelo of these lands. Co-lead alongside Naniko” the words were somewhat emotionless on the surface although that wasn't his intention, “We can provide you with some medical assistance and a bed for a few days if that's what you ask. In return, you respect our members and our laws, if you wish to stay longer then that you'll have to go through our joining ritual of Agares. Small blood sharing to make you family, nothing major or religious” grey shoulders rose and fell in a slight shrug.

Waving a hand over his shoulder to where the bird had disappeared off to he continued, “Sent him to get my...” the sentence fell dead, his mind trying to find a word to describe the pale male; his mate, his lover, his friend? None quite right but yet all unofficially true, “Alex. He knows basic first aid and will be able to patch it up to some degree for now, you'll have to ask our Corson Panda to have a look at it when she's free” he explained. “Think you can walk abit further? We reside within the caves and you can bring the rest of the stag with you, but I ain't carrying it, we're more then stocked without it so do not worry” sure, he may have a horse but Anathema wasn't exactly low on food supplies and it seemed like a pain to drag the strangers kill along when other, more accessible food could be more easily provided.

Wolf photo by incanus, textures by Wu-KillahD & AsunderStock

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