Approaching The Border
OOC: Oh, I definately want him to become a member of Anathema, but at the moment, Malakai himself is trying to tell himself that he's fine without a pack. Silly male lol.

IC: Malakai regarded the creature before him, and knowing he was on the borders of his land, Kai knew he had to be respectful. After all, he was asking for help, as much as it pained his inflated sense of pride to do so. When Alaki lifted his hand to gesture to something unseen above, Kai lifted his head, letting his feral eyes search for the slightest movement overhead. That was when he spotted the bird above, but soon, it was gone, sent off on it's mission. Kai's gaze soon lowered back down to the other male, and his muzzle offered something of a smile as he heard the other's name - not too different from his own. Co-lead, this one. Kai bowed his head a little further before the Alpha as he thought of him now. The black male offered a slow nod of his head, agreeing to abide by the laws of his Pack, to respect it's other members. Kai would do so, especially if they were able to help him with this troublesome wound. "Thank you, I appreciate any assistance you can give me. A bed for a few days would be a great help, too. My name is Malakai."

As Alaki mentioned the stag, Kai threw another glance over his shoulder to the half-eaten animal, and hesitated. This was his kill. He had bled to bring down this animal, and there was something possessive inside him that told him not to simply leave it for the birds. He could manage the walk, just, but not hulking that carcass with him. And so, with a slow nod, his gaze returned to Alaki. "I have had my fill from the beast. If you don't require the meat, then I shall leave it for the vultures to pick from." Kai stood and stretched out his rear leg a little, feeling the sting of the wound, before he took a few limping steps over the border into Anathema territory. Instantly, something flared within him, something innate. This wasn't his land, he shouldn't be there. But looking to the Alpha male before him, Kai approached somewhat cautiously, his head bowed a little in submission, something Kai very rarely did. "Alright, I will follow you, Alaki." He hoped the horseman didn't simply gallop off too quickly, otherwise there would be no way of keeping up, not with his injury.

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