under the northern star.

Just out of reach

Wide sapphire eyes watched as the inky coywolf approached, her frightening appearance only added to Kiara's fear. A wolf skull adorned her head and in her hands were those interments of pain, their metallic scent and sharp curves made the arctic wolf's blood run cold. Her ears pressed into her skull as her fluffy tail sought refuged beneath her body. To make matters worse the midnight female with moonlight hair moved closer to Kiara. For several terrifying moments the young mother couldn't move, could barely breathe. The black silhouette was replaced with Amy's terrible form as she approached with her knives ready to carve Kiara into little pieces.

Soft words floated towards Kiara, but her brain didn't register them. Even her pleasant demeanor and expressions were drowned by the arctic female's paranoia. She only saw the knives. Instinctively, the alabaster female flattened herself to the ground. Slowly she backed up but winced as her shoulder protested the movement. She brought her leg up to ease the pressure on her wound, her snowshoe paw held only an inch or two off the ground as she stared up at the hulking luperici. To Kaira, all luperci were massive. Their large optime bodies towered over her small lupus bound frame and their hands gave them an unfair advantage over her.

Black lips pulled back to reveal deadly canines, but no sound came from her. Kiara was the epitome of fear, of a powerful predator cornered and unable to do anything about it. She hadn't given up on life, but she didn't know how to handle such an adversary. How could she fight something that held fangs in their paws and in their mouths? Kiara was at an extreme disadvantage, but she wasn't ready to completely give up.

WC: 294

template by revo, modifications by Bria. <3


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