This fire burns inside of me
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Sorry for the wait! <33 I got all moved and my place cleaned up >Big Grin Now time for 'Souls!

It was not abnormal for the Angela to be awake at this time; months of puppies waking her up at dawn had forced a sleeping schedule on her, whether she liked it or not. The latest litter was grown up, now, but the schedule still stuck. She often would nap in the afternoon or evening, never truly getting the sleep that she needed due to insomnia. That had not changed, and she doubted that it ever would. She dealt with it the best way that she could, by sleeping whenever she finally felt tired, so long as she wasn't vulnerable, out trekking the border at that time.

Jade eyes washed calmly over the lands as she padded along, her lupus form being the choice for today. In the past, Naniko had preferred her optime form to all others, thinking it superior...but months with Shandom had taught her that the lupus form had many things to offer still, as well. And she didn't want to get rusty, just in case she ever got caught in a situation where she needed to shift down and be in this shorter form. Perhaps to get through a tight tunnel or something like that. Her paranoid mind always tried to think ahead and prepare.

For a moment, the voice that carried over the lands put her into shock - the tones were familiar, of course, but they had a new ring to them and it made her wonder. The voice sounded an awful lot like Salem, one of her oldest sons, but something in her heart dismissed that thought. He was long gone and, as far as she knew, would not return. It had to be someone else, another of her children. She began to run toward it, quickening her pace and taking long strides to reach the other canine.

From the moment that they came into sight and smell, she knew who the voice belonged to. She cursed herself for ever having thought that it could have been Salem, despite the tone that it had carried. She had not expected that beautiful call to have come from Scorpius. Naniko approached at a run, slowing down just before she might have hit the boy. His time away from the pack brought new appreciation to her eyes - had he come alone? Ravesque didn't seem to be anywhere in sight, so she took that as a yes.

"My son! I thought you'd left forever...taken off and left your poor old mother to wonder about whether you'd lived or died." She said, her reprimand given in a soft tone. She was quite obviously happy to see him, her tail waving and dancing behind her. "Where did you go? What did you do while you were there?" She had so many questions for him. "But perhaps the most important question. Have you come home for good, boy, or is this temporary?"

Table by Jenny!

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