Approaching The Border
Word Count :: 524 Haha ^^ As mentioned in my post he can choose to live within the Howling Caverns, Thackary Village or make his own den elsewhere once he's joined up :3 Italic speak is said by Alexander ^^

A sharp nod of his response was all his reply, wishing to get more important matters attended to like getting the male's wound treated and settling the stranger in. With a gentle tug of Hibiki's reins, he lead the blue mare in a large circle so that she faced back into his territories, making a point to keep her away from the stranger knowing full well what the mare was like at times; he didn't envy Aphrodite for taking over grooming and general care duties of the temperamental horse and couldn't help but question his cousins sanity for agreeing to. Blue eyes flicked to the male briefly before he began to head back into familiar grounds, the scent, sounds and sight welcoming him and the strong feeling of safety and home enveloping him. “Malaki huh? Where your originate from, name don't sound from around these parts” his voice was clipped slightly, a clear sign of forced small talk that didn't come quite so naturally to the Angelo as it did to others.

The name of the dark one, Malakai was to some levels similar to his own nonsensical name that was cast whim-fully upon him by his adopted father, the storm coloured male was sure it wasn't of Japanese heritage much like the majority of his relatives names were, but a simply play upon the word 'unlucky'. Maybe Jay had been psychic, predicting the life the samurai would lead and giving him a suitable name, either way it was ironic how well it suited him. Looking ahead he picked out the trail that would lead them to the howling caverns, where many of the pack resided; although some chose to make dens elsewhere or patch up one of the relic houses in the village. “Up ahead is the caves; guess now would be a great time to point out we live underground. Not much different from living above in my opinion, although I do recommend sticking to the broader and more common tunnels so you don't get lost down in 'em if ever you wander” his lips twitched with silent humour; he was fairly sure every member at some point had gotten lost down the caves to some degree one time or another. “Guess if you're really opposed to it I can take ya down to the village once your leg is patched up” he added, not all that bothered either way where the male stayed; pack or guests, he always viewed things as an individuals choice of which they were entitled to, the only thing he ever asked was canines followed his and the white queens rules.

Gradually the terrain began to grow more uneven and rocky, the entrance to the maze of tunnels soon became visible along with the pale figure that was Alex, leant against the rocky wall to the side of the entrance, arms crossed over his chest and Beyaz sat upon his shoulder. Upon seeing the Angelo, the Seere pushed off from the wall, ice coloured eyes assessing the situation quickly, “Message by bird... original. What's the problem?” he asked, an easy smile spreading across the pale males lips.

Wolf photo by incanus, textures by Wu-KillahD & AsunderStock

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