[M] - My Little Friend


Applause broke the silence that settled after the last arrow flew. It drew the man’s gaze two a heavenly body materializing from the fogged forest. Her voice was unmistakable even if the blond on her didn’t contrast wonderfully with the surrounding grey. It had been only a short while since their last meeting and he remembered the fight well. He had seen yet another demonstration of Amy’s dangerous side. There was no doubt in his mind that she was dangerous before, but the fighting skills she’d shown off were not something to flaunt an eye at. He trusted her a little more since helping her that night, but how much trust could he really have for such a dark woman? They hadn’t even had the chance to talk after that incident. Jaden found himself worrying about the pups that he shared charge for not far away even though he doubted they would interest her at all.

Her words were kind though and she stepped forward offering a gift. He remembered her promise to bring it and the liquor made him smile despite the situation. He lowered the bow and tossed it into his left hand so he could take the bottle with his right. A deep breath over the opened cap proved that, not only was it finer than what she had taken from him before, but that it wasn’t tainted with anything that might have him uncomfortable or dead shortly after sampling it. Why thank you. He took a mouthful and savored the aromatic taste with a swish before swallowing. What a fine liquor. What occasion called for this? The Alaskan had helped her without the thought of reward. It wasn’t something he expected out of Amy nor would he ask for any. He truly hadn’t even expected her to repay the small waist of his liquor. It wasn’t something he really missed either. But he wouldn’t turn down the chance at seeing the fine woman again.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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