Not to be lost or forgotten
[html] His words bore the weight of his mixed emotions to her ears. Having such a close member of the pack pick up and leave with almost all of her family was hard on everyone. Then to have the pack disbanded...not even the fiercest of pugilists could land a one-two punch of such magnitude. He stood resolute with his mother, just as a good son should. "It was not an easy decision for your mother, but given what little I know of the situation, I agree with it as well. She did what she thought was best for us. We could and should ask for no more," she replied, her opinion clear cut and concise. Oak did not need to have someone else dredge up the issues surrounding his mother's decision, but the cinnamon wolfess thought a show of solidarity might help.

The Calidus girl had shown a similar devotion to her father, a male who she had disagreed with on almost everything. However, it had not been her place as the Consul's daughter to disagree, or offer her opinion. Her father, misguided though he had been on many social issues, had loved her, raised her and given her everything in life. His death had brought a great deal of sadness to her heart some of which had still not left entirely. Oak was fortunate to have a parent like Anu who was loved by not only her own family but by those she had led.

She too was glad she had stuck around to be found by Oak and his offer to join his family at their camp was very generous. The girl for a moment debated declining so as not to be a disruption to the family, but something in her mind slapped her out of such a thought. "I would love to, Oak. Thank you very much. I won't be a bother, I promise," she replied, walking past Oak to the tree where she had laid her clothes and armor, her sheathed blade clutched in her hand. She would need to put her clothes on if she was going to do anything else today. [/html]

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