the stars sing to me.


ems is by nat.

Her call was answered almost immediatly, and for this she was happy. Her heart swelled with joy at the sight of Jiva, and a silly smile broke out across her face as her tail wagged behind her. As soon as he was past the borders she stood up and sprinted towards him, her back end wiggling so hard it impaired her walking. Because she was in secui, she was just a little bit shorter then the wolf in front of her, and this is why she had chosen this particular form for this visit. If another wolf came to the borders as well, they would have a hard time telling just how coyote she was since she was filled out and larger. In her optime and lupus form her coyote heritage was obvious through her delicate muzzle and large ears.

As she reached him she stopped abruptly, not sure how to proceed. Hesitantly she reached forward and quickly nuzzled his neck, stepping back when she was done. Her ears perked at his words and she smiled sunnily at him, tail wagging all the while. " Well... I was thinking last night that I'd really like to see you again... " She started, suddenly unsure. Did he not want her here? " So I left Inferni to come here early this morning.. If you want me to leave I can. " The youth finished, looking at him. How would this proceed?

Almost immediately after the words had left her mouth a strange dark male approached the pair and sniffed Emma up and down, acting extremely dominant. Coyote's did not practice the same structure as wolf packs did, therefore Emma's receiving stance through all of this did not change either way, she was completely out of the loop on how to act. All she could do was stare at the male, though the instant his candy green apple eyes met her own bi-colored gaze she looked away, having enough sense to do that. Instead, she focused on Jiva. This was the alpha of the pack she supposed?

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