[M] - My Little Friend


Amy was a treat for the eyes. Her curves teased and the weapons added a bit of silvery charm to her form. He swirled the bottle of liquor and felt the heavy liquid inside displace itself as he watched her. There was something new about the way she interacted with him. The challenge wasn’t as overpowering. Her body didn’t sway and amplify its already easily observable beauty. Even her voice seemed different. Mmm, he showed his appreciation for the wine again with another small take and over looked the comment about her family.

He might have had to glance up from the drink and check for sincerity in her brown eyes but from what he knew of her, he doubted apologizing for anything was something she did often. His eyes fell down on the bottle’s smooth surface. Glad to see you’re a woman of your word, He said and looked up at her with a warm smile. What was that all about? I’m hoping I didn’t help you escape a few unlucky travelers you decided to test. It was asked with a joking tone, but there was a bit of interest in it too. He thought her to be a decent person at heart but knew Amy was no innocent pup.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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