Pack Brothers
OOC: Welcome to the pack!

The scent of another reached him. Tharin turned his head from the kill, briefly acknowledging the other's presence. The scent of the alphas was on him, as well as the faint mix of the land. A newcomer. He turned back to the deer, examining how it would be best to take it down. A single blow wouldn't be good enough. Perhaps if he re-broke the old wound, then used the opportunity to take out it's throat. The broken leg would keep it from running, minimizing the chances of it kicking out at him as well.

A burst of strength aided him clearing the bushes that had hidden him. Heads lifted, some of the more skittish deer taking off. It wasn't long before the rest of the herd caught up with the panic. His target turned as well, letting him aim at the broken leg. His teeth snapped around it, and the weak bone shattered. The deer let out a pain filled cry, struggling more slowly now. Tharin tugged hard on the leg, snarling. Muscle tore under his powerful teeth before he was forced to leap clear, circling around to move for the throat.

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