[p] your roots will rot away

Draugr is by me!

The dark canine nodded her head eagerly. There was knowledge in books, and Draugr thirsted for knowledge more than anything. Though she was young, perhaps she might develop her intellect to the point of Odessa or even Siv -- these things seemed impossible to the girl, who felt very much a child meandering through an adult's world. I would love that, the woman said, again an almost puppyish eagerness overcoming her. The white tip of her tail wavered and she could only half contain the wriggle of excitement that seemed to, with a mind all of its own, work its way from ears to toes. She had little interest in writing -- her own thoughts were deemed too ignorant to bother writing. Perhaps if her mind was ever sharpened to an edge Dra deemed worthy, she might try learning the trade of writing -- but reading was good enough for now.

I hadn't realized medicine and food is sometimes interchangeable, she confessed, more subdued. That was silly of me. This second declaration was very nearly derisive, and the drab-furred youth shook her head, sighing. I love the smell of mint. It is the best, I think. Which is your favorite smell and how does it grow? Dra's eyes swept over the array of tiny plants springing to life around them, wondering which Odessa might select as her favored perfume. She thought it might be best to associate a particular canine and their likes and dislikes to plants -- it would be easier to remember, for example, bayberry, if it was remembered as Odessa's miss favorite scent or one mama Siv could not stand.

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