And every time it rains, are the angels crying?

No kidding XD

What on earth was this kid doing? Alexey burst out laughing, unable to contain herself any longer. Impending tears threatened to roll down her furry cheeks as her whole body convulsed with good-hearted laughter. Needless to say, she definitely had not expected this kind of reaction from the pup. An amused smile formed on her lips as she finally provided an answer to his question. "I do like it. I'd stop it if I were you though, or I might think you have a crush on me." She sat down in front of him, tail leisurely flicking back and forth. Lightning flashed once again, illuminating the cavern for a moment. It was enough for her to see his face for the first time. He definitely was a cute little thing. Pickles ventured over to him, greeting the youngster with a 'squeak' of his own.

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