An Expedition


Word Count → 453

Cercatori d’Arte was an artisan pack and true to form Skye placed a large emphasis on trade and good pack relations. Because Hotaru had become indapendent and had managed to rise to the master rank, she felt a certain responsibility to Skye and tried her best to fullfill the Capitana’s expectations. However, Hotaru had never dreamed that she would be asked to join the trading trip. It was an honor beyond her wildest imagination and the blind wolf had jumped at the chance to join the Caravan. Hotaru had nervously anticipated the day their journey would start. Even though she couldn’t bring Fawkes with her due to his new chick-sitting duty, she still felt the lure of advanture and couldn’t help but be excited.

Without Fawkes to act as her guide, the blind wolf was forced to heavily rely on her staff, ears, nose. Fortunately for her the company was pleasant and the wagon was spacious. Even so, once the Carvan had begun to move, Hotaru refused to leave her seat. She wore her usual confident mask and politely greeted Casa di Cavalieri’s Alpha when he had introduced himself, but she didn't press for conversation or even start one of her own. The grey female tried to keep her conversations polite, but short. She didn’t want to alert the others to her discomfort and slight motion sickness.

When the Caravan finally stopped, Hotaru practically breathed a sigh of releif. The wagon’s rickety motion was disorienting for her and she was happy that the world had finally stopped moving. Hotaru waited for Jazper to exit the wagon before she stood and carefully guided herself to the ground.

The Knight’s leader announced that the caravan should be opened and Hotaru turned to help. She too had just learned how to open the Caravan walls and her hands moved clumsily against the wood. Once Hotaru found the latch, she was able to help open the walls without too much dificulty. Red ears flicked back as she listened to the two Alphas’ song, but her focus was primarily on setting up the cart.

At last her task was done and the timber female moved to her Capitana’s side while the others layed the wares out. It wasn’t long before one of the member’s of the court arrived and Jazper immediately set himself to negotitions. Although Hotaru's outward appearance was calm and confident if not submissive to her Alpha, her body was a bundle of nerves and butterfiles swarmed in her stomack. Hotaru listened halfheartedly as the two males talked, obviously familiar with one another. Thankfully, she had little place in the discussion and simply waited for a time when she could be of service to the others.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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