An Expedition


Word Count → 000

Climbing trees had to be the best part of being a luperci. She could see everything, and nothing could see her. Her ears swiveled around, taking in the various chatter of the birds, the deep scent of the pack filling her nose. Truly a beautiful place to be. She might wander the lands unable to stay still, but this was her pack and she wouldn't be going anywhere. The deep call of strangers at the border filled the air, surprising her from her thoughts. Two voices intertwined, male and female, both with the powerful call of an alpha.

She recognized the one voice as the rather fierce female that had yelled at her after she killed the rabbit, but the other one was a complete mystery. Jumping down Terra ran across the ground. She spotted Strel on her way there, but her attention immediately jumped to Hotaru. The strangers were forgotten in the glee of seeing her friend. Forgetting that Hotaru was blind Terra bounded over, only a couple yips to give any warning as she moved to hug her friend, eagerly licking at her face.

Hotaru! Why's your pack here? Who are these people? She would have asked a lot more questions, but the wagon's contents registered in her mind. Instantly riveted she turned away, staring at the fat delicious birds inside. They weren't the only meals present, sheep provided as well. All kinds of items, just like at the festival. Suddenly hungry Terra grinned. You brought something for everyone to eat?

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