within my bones this resonates
Gaze peering around at the others gathered, it was painfully obvious how their clan had diminished. Only he, two others, and a child had appeared, answering Gabriel's call. But that would be enough to make a kill. And it would mean less mouths to argue with over what food they did succeed in bringing down. Ears slidding forward atop his head, he rose from his position on the ground and turned, slinking off into the trees. Crimson gaze peering around through the branches, he kept track of where the others were, and the potential direction they'd send the prey in. Finding a suitable spot, golden coyote lowered himself to the ground, claws pressing into the soil to keep him ready and able to spring into immediate action at a moment's notice. Pale cloud of breath exhaled from between parted jaws, dispersing between twin rows of razor fangs. He was ready, and already craving the taste of blood that would pass soon across his tongue, if successful.

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