An Expedition

OOC here!

Between staying close to Hotaru and letting his older brother spend time with Myrddin, Tal had little to think about on this trip. Thankfully. The occasional memory of helping the pack, helping Sky build the caravan snuck in, yes, but the memories were mercifully few. He fingered the strap to his pack as everyone on the inside unloaded. His well-trained medics eyes had noticed the blind woman's discomfort, and he had made sure to be near her to offer her some ginger root to ease what nausea she seemed to be suffering. However, a voice came, and he turned with a smile, answering a question meant for his pack mate.

"Not quite, Terra. We brought goods to trade." He turned to offer the female a smile, startled to see her on two feet. She had been unshifted the last time they'd met. Not that he'd complain, he still found it easier to talk to someone on the same level as he was.

A soft yowl announced the feline before she landed. Even as he was smiling at Terra, a hand was going up to the calico's head. He turned and chastised the feline softly. "I told you to stay home, Sheba." The feline arched her back and rubbed against his cheek before finishing her descent to the ground. The four month old Myrddin had finished his stretch, and bounded over to nuzzle the feline. "I told her to come, Poppa. She threatened to scratch up the furniture if we left her home."

Tal chuckled softly, leaning down to ruffle the fur on the top of his son's head.

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